Stopping to strike a pose at the traditional Alice Springs welcome sign! Elder
Hale, Elder Matekohi, Elder Callahan, President Parker, Elder Pitcher, Elder
Toi and Elder Hefa!

Mom and Dad-this picture is for you. I know you've been following the Aussie
Golfers. Every where we go, even in Alice Springs, Golf is a big sport here!

This is the great Alice Springs Zone with their new senior couple, Elder and Sister
Tennis! We enjoyed dinner together at this wonderful restaurant. We were blessed
to be here as they provided a beautiful musical Christmas fireside the next evening
that was absolutely wonderful. This is the best Christmas present ever to be with our
talented missionaries as they sing and teach of Christ.

Besides both being missionaries, Elder Lee and I share something else- our
birthdays! HEre we are with the delicious icecream cakes they surprised us
with. Elder Lee your the best!! Thanks for celebrating with me.Love you

For another birthday surprise- each missionary stuck sticky notes on me with
sweet words and kindnesses. I've never felt so loved. Thank you to all of you for
giving me a birthday I will never forget.

Mingling with members and friends after the Fireside. Enjoying great food, great
music and great missionaries. An unforgetable evening.Elder Pitcher, Elder Lee,
Elder Johnson, Elder Johnson, Elder Hale, Brother and Sister Marriott, Brother
and Sister Tennis, Elder Callahan, elder Toi, Sister Fanene, Sister Craig, Elder
McClutchie, Elder Hefa, and Elder Matekohi.