It's always a blessing to be with our missionaries in Darwin. After a great morning
of training together, we went to Elder and Sister Farrers for a delicious healthy
lunch. I think a few of our missionaries tried a few vegetables they've never
eaten before. Way to go!!Elder Farrer, Elder Koch, Elder Fitzpatrick, Elder Deitze,
Elder Seru, Elder Duabe, Elder Makai, Elder Toi, Elder Costales, President
Parker, Sister Reola, Sister Rooarii and Sister Farrer.
Elder and Sister Farrer made each of us a Darwin palm tree for dessert out of a
banana, some kiwi, mandarin oranges and blueberries. They were delicious.
President Parker even tried his very first kiwi and loved it!
Later that evening after more training, we enjoyed dinner together. Great things are
happening in the Darwin Zone. These missionaries work hard, even in the heat
and the rain. They are consecrated missionaries and are bringing many to know
JEsus Christ.
President Parker and the great missionary Elder Toi. Elder Toi has been serving
out bush in Alice Springs for many months and now is transferred to serve in
Darwin as the northern Territory Assistant to the President. He is hard working,
courageious and completely obedient and a great leader. Thank you for your
great example Elder Toi and for all you do. We love you.
New sister companions in Darwin- Sister Reola joins Sister Rooarii as the
sisters in the Darwin Zone. These are two of the best, happiest, hard working
sisters you'll ever meet. We love you sisters.
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